Chains of Fury (2024) | Boomer Shooter | Certified Crap | 1440p60 | Longplay Full Game Walkthrough

Описание к видео Chains of Fury (2024) | Boomer Shooter | Certified Crap | 1440p60 | Longplay Full Game Walkthrough

Longplay of Chains of Fury, a 2024 Boomer Shooter with comics/cel-shaded aesthetics, developed by Cobble Games, published by Fulqrum Publishing (formerly 1C), released on 16th September 2024 for the PC. Here it was played at 2560x1440 resolution, at highest possible settings (except for MSAA), recorded at 1440p60 H.265 HEVC via OBS. Played at Normal difficulty. And it is a Certified Crap, unfortunately.

My own refflink for NordVPN, as I get a mighty 40% provision for every purchase made through it!:

Game's review
I got this game provided to me for free on Lurkit by Fulqrum Publishing btw - just a disclaimer (didn't stop me from rating this 2/10 and Certified Crap xD). This game is absolutely nowhere near fit for a release, not in this world, not in the world of Early Access, the world of demo versions, not in any. It absolutely a buggy shit fest, full of lack of collision, falling under the map about 6-7 times, falling under the lava/toxin pools. Ammo pick ups LITERALLY DISAPPEARING ALL THE TIME, EVEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, SO I HAD TO RUN AROUND USING MY FISTS, I HAD TO DEFEAT THE LAST BOSS WITH MY ALMOST JUST MY FISTS, DAMN IT. Enemies just dying out of nowhere, without my input, dying from I don't know, aneurysm? And the first main boss at the end of the first Chapter? He didn't even hurt me or TRIED once. I was just standing 1 metre from him, no damage whatsoever. Also, ammo pick ups not just disappearing but just not registering at all when walking through them. And one time you have a counter showing you have 400 ammo, you shoot one shot, and it becomes 2 ammo? Even if you had like 5 ammo before the pickup? Most often they just won't appear as a new ammo, nothing. So in a shooter game there seems to be no ammo due to this, great.

The game has MASSIVE, HUGE, ABYSMAL STUTTERING ISSUES in Chapter 2, from Level 2 to the end. 10 second long freezes, would you freaking believe that? And yes, I counted. Plus, 3 second stutters, no, FREEZES, whenever I hit an enemy or killed them. Meanwhile my CPU and GPU util below 60%, no ram/vram issues. Hitboxes are ultra bad too, clearly dev didn't handle his sprite enemies well. Visual bugs, even sound bugs, weird stuff around the sprites. Everything. And the rest of the game? Nothing too ambitious or good, just average at best gunplay and visuals. Plus, that hideous "enemy radar" whenever you enter Fury Mode, enemies just show up on it, fully visible, through walls, and they stand out like hell, without any effect or filter on them. It looks extra poor and stupid.

I'll just skip that part of "not enough content" because it is a 10-11 USD game, so that's kind of excused. But the price DOES NOT, AND WILL NOT excuse the technical tragedy this game is. It is not fit for being sold to anyone at the moment, it should be PULLED OUT OF THE STORES. 2/10, would rate 6, maybe 6,5/10 if the game actually worked and was playable. Because right now it doesn't and isn't. xD

Steam's summary on the game:

This game is not for you if you want to save the world and become the hero everyone needs (or even deserves). Move along, we have an anti-hero bad-ass over here, ready to compete for the title of The Meanest Bastard Ever. His testosterone level can only be measured in the Fury scale, his death toll is unknown and the amount of bullets he'd shot is uncountable. He's a hired gun. His former clients had put him in prison instead of paying him for a job well done. He's furious, he's skilled, he's got mean weapons and an even meaner mustache. It's nothing personal. It's just business.

Chains of Fury Volume I is a unique Boomer Shooter. Inspired by Hellboy and Lobo comics along with XIII and Void Bastards games, it aims to give players a one-of-a-kind gaming experience.

Heavily influenced by retro FPS games it brings the character design inspiration of Duke Nukem 3D, movement guidelines of Quake and DOOM, and unique comic-book style graphics based on 90's hits such as Lobo. Nearly three decades on, the spirit of 1996 is somehow still with us, and we are not letting go. Neither should you.


0:00:00 - Chapter 1
1:31:43 - Chapter 2

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