Описание к видео JACKET TRY ON

So excited to be back!

I added all of the jackets that I try on in the video below because I know that when you see something you love, you want more info…which I understand. But I hope that the takeaway from the video is more about taking away IDEAS as opposed to taking away material THINGS. My wardrobe is about me— it is a visual representation of me and my preferences and my learnings. Yours will be about you! And that is because fashion is about expression! It is an art form that we can’t really copy and paste!

I know I say this in the video but I just want to make sure it is clear— I want to try these on for you because I think it is important to understand the WHY. WHY does something work? WHY do I wear it? WHY do I not? By taking the time to understand ourselves and our preferences and our habits, we are understanding our style. The process is important!!

JACKETS (and the scent tabs!): https://shopmy.us/collections/722097
BOOK A STYLING SESSION: https://www.allisonbornstein.com/styling
BUY MY BOOK: https://www.allisonbornstein.com/wear...



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