Synthesis-Hypervalent Iodonium Alkynyl Triflates: Application l Protocol Preview

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Synthesis of Hypervalent Iodonium Alkynyl Triflates for the Application of Generating Cyanocarbenes - a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol

I. F. Dempsey Hyatt, Daniel J. Nasrallah, Mitchell P. Croatt
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry;

Herein is described the synthesis, isolation, and reactions of hypervalent iodonium alkynyl triflates (HIATs) with azides to generate cyanocarbenes. The procedures will involve air-sensitive and cryogen techniques, including cold filtration under an inert atmosphere. Handling and safety of the synthesized compounds will also be discussed.

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