ACA Lunchtime Speaker Meeting: Demystifying Adult Children of Alcoholics, Sponsorship & the 12 Steps

Описание к видео ACA Lunchtime Speaker Meeting: Demystifying Adult Children of Alcoholics, Sponsorship & the 12 Steps

Here's a basic review simplifying the nuts and bolts inside the Adult Children of Alcoholics Fellowship, sponsorship, and the 12 Steps of ACA Recovery. Podcast recorded live on May 14, 2023 as part of the ACA Lunchtime Speaker Meeting out of Sidney, Australia. I’ve been teaching these principles for years and have introduced many into the fellowship. I see results when my clients work this program, either by itself or as an adjunct to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or other community support fellowships. Welcome fellow traveler.

I'm Ken Francis, M.S., California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of The Intimacy Gram and The Gratitude Snorkel and Other Bedtime Stories. With Covid-19 social distancing practices, I have had to stop teaching classes at my clinic. This video and others are my attempt to make my educational topics available to my patients. I have placed them on YouTube so others can benefit. Please like and subscribe to get more videos on recovery: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Mindfulness, good Mental Health and Self Care.

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