The Fantastic Partner, The King of Swing, SENTO TFP (North Bronx, NYC), is an irreplaceable writer, for various reasons. He has been the one to look up to and follow for dozens of writers around the world. This fine example of a graffiti writer, in capital letters, is an authentic style maestro, versatile, dynamic, a chameleon of the very lettering which always makes him identifiable whether he writes SENT, SENTO, WERD, DAMP, DEPH, RATSO, ERB or TENTH. Always doing something related to graffiti, and always working with dedication, he has shared some of his fine moments alongside writers like CASE2, NEON, CAVS, KEY, GHOST, KET, MILK, KAMI and DELTA during different eras in his life, always representing DAMAGE INC & TFP. 

And we're taking advantage of the opportunity provided by the German publishers, 'FROM HERE TO FAME', and the launch of SENTO's bibliograpy by 'On The Run Books', to bring him to our MONTANA SHOPS in Madrid and Barcelona. The saga continues...


The Fantastic Partner, The King of Swing, SENTO TFP (North Bronx, NYC), es uno de esos escritores irrepetibles por varios motivos. Él ha sido el modelo a seguir de decenas de miles de escritores en todo el mundo. Ese ejemplo de graffiti writer en mayúsculas, un auténtico maestro del estilo, completo, dinámico, un camaleón del lettering al que siempre puedes identificar. No importa si escribe SENT, SENTO, WERD, DAMP, DEPH, RATSO, ERB o TENTH. Siempre en el graffiti, siempre currándoselo con dedicación plena, compartiendo momentos al lado de escritores como CASE2, NEON, CAVS, KEY, GHOST, KET, MILK, KAMI o DELTA en diferentes épocas de su vida y representando siempre DAMAGE INC & TFP. 

Aprovechamos la ocasión que nos brindó la editorial alemana FROM HERE TO FAME y el lanzamiento de su bibliografía a través de On The Run Books para traerlo a nuestras MONTANA SHOPS en Madrid y Barcelona. La saga continúa...


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