Au Pair Interview and Matching Process...For Families: PART 1

Описание к видео Au Pair Interview and Matching Process...For Families: PART 1

In this video, we discuss our process for interviewing Au Pair Candidates and ultimately matching with an Au Pair. Due to the length of this video, I broke it up into 2 parts. So make sure to watch the second part when it airs!

Interview and Matching Process Overview:
Step 1. Make accounts in Au Pair Agencies you are willing to utilize
*Referral Links:*
Cultural Care Au Pair:
Au Pair Care:​

Step 2. Identify What Skills/Characteristics/Personality traits you want in an Au Au Pair
See Previous Video on creating this list...    • How To Make A Strong Au Pair Profile:...  

Step 3. Identify Candidates with most of your "wants" in the agencies

Step 4: Extend Interview Invitation to top 3 Candidates

Step 5: Interview I: Have your au pair, or an au pair you know, interview candidate

Step 6: Interview II - IV or V: Family Interviews

Step 7: Match
FTC DISCLAIMER - This video is NOT sponsored. This post does contain referral links, which means that if you sign up for a program, I receive a small commission. All opinions are my own, honest opinions, regardless of referral links.

Referral links:
-Cultural Care Au Pair
Host Family: Rachel Christian
-Au Pair Care (Always ask agency for coupon code!)
Host Family: Rachel Christian

Edited by: Paula Andrea Tique
Directed by: Paula Andrea Tique

EMAIL for Business: [email protected]
Royalty Free Music From YouTube
Animation Icons and Images From Google and Free Pick


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