Making Laminated Wood Canoe Paddles

Описание к видео Making Laminated Wood Canoe Paddles

I recently built a second cedar strip canoe and so I needed to build a couple of paddles to go with it. I used the free templates from Ashes Stillwater Boats

I made the paddles mostly out of cedar and used thinner laminations of Walnut and Jarrah (an australian hardwood) for strength and I wanted some super thin pinstripes of light wood so I ordered some beech veneer which worked great.

After carving one paddle completely by hand I decided to use the table saw to get rid of most of the waste on the cheeks on the second paddle and then carve the centre down to a taper at the end and curved into the edges. Saved me a lot of time planing.

I made the thickness of the blades just under 6mm as I was fibreglassing them to protect the cedar. I finished everything with a few coats of osmo oil


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