Vlogmas Days 9-14 | Winter Crafts, Cozy Knitting Updates, & a Festive Tea Cocktail 🍹🧶

Описание к видео Vlogmas Days 9-14 | Winter Crafts, Cozy Knitting Updates, & a Festive Tea Cocktail 🍹🧶

Grab your crafting supplies, your favorite tea (or tea cocktail!), and settle in for a cozy crafting chat. 💕 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and let me know what you’re working on this winter in the comments below!

Storyteller Stitchery Society https://storytellerstitchery.com/page...

Storyteller Stitchery https://storytellerstitchery.com/

Baked to Perfection by Katarina Cermelj https://bookshop.org/p/books/baked-to...

Half Baked Harvest by Tieghan Gerard https://bookshop.org/p/books/half-bak...

The Minimalist Kitchen by Melissa Coleman https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-mini...

Against All Grain by Danielle Walker https://bookshop.org/p/books/against-...

Mastering my Mistakes in the Kitchen by Dana Cowin https://bookshop.org/p/books/masterin...

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus https://bookshop.org/p/books/lessons-...

Stickii Club https://www.stickiiclub.com/

Willow Cottage Quilt Company https://willowcottagequiltco.com/

CakeStand Quilts https://www.cakestandquilts.com/

Block of the month club https://willowcottagequiltco.com/coll...

Odyssey yarn (Storyteller Stitchery) shown in colors Copper State, The Kraken, and Mr. Jeremy Fisher https://storytellerstitchery.com/coll...

#Vlogmas2024 #StorytellerStitchery #CozyCrafts #KnittingProgress #WinterCocktails #StorytellerStitcherySociety #Vlogmas


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