Mamiya 645 55mm F2.8 on the BMPCC4K - FilmConvert Nitrate - with Ellie Klarl

Описание к видео Mamiya 645 55mm F2.8 on the BMPCC4K - FilmConvert Nitrate - with Ellie Klarl

So to round off my Mamiya lens kit I finally got my hands on a 55mm F2.8. Naturally Ellie and I had to go workout so why not take the camera with me and shoot something. I dont know what it is but there is something about these Mamiya lenses. Looking to shooting something with them soon.

Main camera was the BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4k using a Viltrox speedbooster and a Mamiya to EF adapter. Edited in Premiere Pro and Graded with FilmConvert Nitrate.

Pretty sure the next video will be Kenno working out. So stay tuned!

Social Media
- Ellie : @lifeofelliemack
-Mine - @kenny13200


This one was a quick and really impromptu shoot with Ellie. I even remember telling her I probably would not upload this to the channel but after throwing a few clips together I was moved to upload it.
The reason I have been shooting in 60 fps is because just like taking the time and letting you watch what is happening. Ill probably explain in a future video.


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