What Are STDs And How Are They Transmitted? | ASL | Planned Parenthood

Описание к видео What Are STDs And How Are They Transmitted? | ASL | Planned Parenthood

This video shows three Deaf narrators signing in American Sign Language (ASL) in front of a light blue background, and simple line-drawn animation and text that appears next to them as they sign. Animation also sometimes appears between their lines on a navy blue background. This animation is a direct visual representation of the lines being signed, and emphasizes the keywords as text on-screen.

The narrators are:

NARRATOR 1: A Deaf woman with caramel skin and heterochromatic eyes has waist-length reddish braids, partially pulled back in a hair tie. She is wearing a forest green blouse, black pants and two small silver earrings with a tree design on them.

NARRATOR 2: A Deaf white person with curly brown chin-length hair. They are wearing a plum colored, button-down, ¾ -sleeved shirt, blue jeans, a silver hoop septum ring, a lip-piercing on their lower lip, and black circular earrings. There are several line drawn tattoos on their lower right arm.

NARRATOR 3: A Deaf Salvadoran-American man, with light brown skin, brown eyes and short black hair. He is wearing a button-down slate colored long sleeved shirt and black jeans. He wears a hearing aid in his left ear.

STDs are infections that can be passed during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

Some STDs are carried in precum, semen, vaginal fluids, and blood.
Others can be passed just from genital skin-to-skin contact.

STDs are super common and they usually don't show any symptoms.
So lots of people don't even know they have one.

The only way to be totally sure you won't get an STD is to never have any kind of sexual contact with another person.

But the reality is most of us do have sex at some point in our lives.
So, the best way to help prevent STDs is to have safer sex.

Safer sex means using barriers every single time you have vaginal, anal, and oral sex.
Examples of these barriers are condoms and dental dams.

These barriers help block body fluids and some skin-to-skin contact that can spread STDs.

Using barriers can even make sex better. When you're protected you can relax and focus on each other instead of worrying about STDs.

You can get condoms and lube in most drug and convenience stores.
There are lots of different styles of condoms and many are designed to increase pleasure.

Adding water based or silicone lubricant makes condoms feel great, and helps stop them from breaking.

Even if you always use condoms when you have sex and feel totally fine, still get tested for STDs regularly.

Testing is the only way to know for sure if you have an STD. It's usually quick, painless, and sometimes even free.

STDs might seem scary, but most can be easily cured with medicine and don't cause
any serious problems if treated early.

And there are also treatments for STDs that can't be cured,
to help with symptoms and lower the chance of giving the infection to someone else.

Having an STD is nothing to feel ashamed of and it doesn't mean you're a bad person.
The reality is: STDs are super common and most people get one at some point.

People with STDs can be in relationships, have sex, and live totally normal lives.
Want to learn more about STDs? Check out PlannedParenthood.org.

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Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With more than 600 health centers across the country, Planned Parenthood organizations serve all patients with care and compassion, with respect and without judgment. Through health centers, programs in schools and communities, and online resources, Planned Parenthood is a trusted source of reliable health information that allows people to make informed health decisions. We do all this because we care passionately about helping people lead healthier lives.


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