Yestone urgent push hinge

Описание к видео Yestone urgent push hinge

Yestone (室內門用)可脫開旗型鉸鏈.(塑鋼製品)unget push hinge.專用於12KG以下的浴室門或房門(可以於緊急時脫開門片救人)不會於使用時脫落.(下方組件有鈎扣設計)守護家人的友善商品.(當有人無法移動而且阻擋內開門開啟時,可以強迫門片脫離緊急救人,不會拖時間造成遺憾,不需要破壞門及花錢修復)
Manual :
In case of emergency ( eg. something blocking the door or someone falling unconscious in front of the door), follow the instruction:
1.First, carefully open the door ( about 3.5~5 degree wide) to measure the distance between the object and door, If the object is found near the door and obstructing the way, slightly pull the door back till it leaves a 3 - 3.5 degree opening from the door frame.
2. Use one hand to grip the door handle and the other on the part just next to the higher position of the hinge.Lift the door with both hands until door reaches the top of the frame. Keep the state, and use the hand next to the higher hinge to push the door inside hardly. The door will partly fall down with the lower hinge still connected to the door. The door will not fall to hurt the object in front of the door.
3.Then you can move the door away easily. And the patient (if there's a patient) may be rescued immediately. When restoring the door, the hinges need to be adjust in the right angle (about the angle when the door falls) to put it back.The door should be closed and opened successfully.Then close the lids.


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