Bounteous God

Описание к видео Bounteous God

Bounteous God (Now thank we our God)
Hymn/worship song adapted with new music 2020.

/// The Catherine Winkworth Songbook Project ///

Catherine Winkworth was a writer and advocate of women’s education who lived a while in Bristol where I live. She is known for her translations of German chorales or hymns into English — over 100 of them! Some of her lyrics like “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of Creation” and “Now Thank we all our God” are quite well-known and still sung today. A lot of them are less known however and very beautiful too. I’ve been setting some of them to new tunes.

More info:

This is kind of a bonus one, as it is actually a redo of one of those famous ones, Now Thank we all our God. I have rearranged a bit to make a chorus.


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