Her Tears Were My Light OST Extras - Nil's Battle Theme (absolutely not canon)

Описание к видео Her Tears Were My Light OST Extras - Nil's Battle Theme (absolutely not canon)

I figured Nil's chord progression could be used in a battle theme, so this happened. Why do I always do things like this to my own music?

Character art for Nil from Her Tears Were My Light by NomnomNami (https://nomnomnami.itch.io/her-tears-...)
Stats interface based on Yggdra Union (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yggdra_...)
Original song: Nil (https://lydianchord.bandcamp.com/albu...)

You can listen to more Her Tears Were My Light soundtrack remixes here:   / her-tears-were-my-light-plus  

Bandcamp: https://lydianchord.bandcamp.com
Soundcloud:   / lydianchord  
Twitter:   / lydianchord  


Информация по комментариям в разработке