How do LEDs work? | LEDs Explained SIMPLE | What is a Light Emitting Diode? Electrical Science STEM

Описание к видео How do LEDs work? | LEDs Explained SIMPLE | What is a Light Emitting Diode? Electrical Science STEM

LED lights are everywhere! But how exactly do they work? In this video we’ll dive into the best, SIMPLE explanation of LEDs. Stay tuned to see one of the most advanced LED products in action from Lumary, the leading company in indoor and outdoor LED lights, with a demonstration of their Smart Outdoor Spotlight Pro product. Use the code ILLUSTRATETOEDUCATE to get 10% off any item in the Lumary store.

Lumary Home Page:
Smart Outdoor Spotlight Pro:

You’ve seen LEDs on just about everything from lights, TVs, and just about every gadget out there. But what does LED stand for? It stands for Light Emitting Diode. A diode is like a one-way valve for electricity. It allows electric current to flow in one direction but blocks it from flowing the other way. It's a tiny electronic component that helps control the flow of electricity in circuits, making it a key part of many electronic devices. So a Light Emitting Diode or LED, is a diode that, as the name suggests, emits light.

Check out the rest of the video to learn more!

#LEDs #Lumary #ledlights #science #STEM


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