Harvest Moon friends of Mineral town popuri all events but the marriage of hearts

Описание к видео Harvest Moon friends of Mineral town popuri all events but the marriage of hearts


+ Your Birthday: 3 Summer (Summer 10 alternative)
+ Favorite Food: Omelette rice, omelet, scrambled eggs.
Favorite Things: Recipes bearing strawberry, all the eggs, chocolate,
recipes that use apples, sandwiches, pastries, all accessories,
icy diamonds.
+ Rival: Kai
+ Bonus: Owning 8 hens.

Popuri is the immature girl (not in a bad way, but still thinks
which is small) group. He lives with his brother Rick and his mother Lila.
His father is absent, as is research on the disease
Popuri's mother suffers. Rick took the responsibility to protect Popuri.

Rick will be your ally this time, as this enmity with Kai (your opponent). The
summer only comes to town, but always manages to visit
to Popuri.

Where often?

To resumírtelo every morning up to the springs to meet with Ann.
Sunday is the exception as you'll find it at church or walking
the square. During the summer, adjusts his routine to visit Kai.

Events hearts:

+ Black: Go to your farm (from town) between 10am and 6pm a
Wednesday or Friday. Passing through the front of Poultry ranch, you will see that
one of the chickens away. Your you catch him as he passed.
Arriving Popuri will say that one of his chickens escaped. In return it
will thank you. After this, you ask if you like
chickens. If you say yes, think that people who like
hens are good people (?).

+ Purple: One day Popuri will come in to visit your farm (AT LAST!)
She is interested in doing a tour of the farm. Choose yes. After
Tour 7 hours, will give thanks and leave.

+ Blue: Between 10am and 1pm go to church (a Sunday). To unlock
This event MUST NOT BE SUMMER and you have to bag and size
great. You will face Carter, Popuri, Elli's brother, Stu, and granddaughter
Barley, May. May want to play 'the house'. Carter will be chosen as the
Popuri father and mother. Carter definitely choose to be called
Dad does not go with him. Seeing that you come in, Carter and Popuri will ask if
want to play with children. Say yes.
The 4 will go to the spa to play. Popuri will pretend to be your wife
while May welcomes you home as 'Daddy'. For something that May
says Stu runs off crying ... oh well. When you finish the whole thing
Popuri will thank you you have played and will give away some dumplings.

+ Yellow: Poultry visit in fall, winter or spring between 10am and
1pm. It seems that the whole family is discussed. Rick is reviewing
his father is irresponsible for leaving Lillia alone. Popuri this
angry with him for the things you are saying. Lillia come and see you
forgiven for arguing in front of you. Unfortunately, the discussion goes on and you
To give YOU think about the whole thing. If these Rick side or the
Popuri. If you say 'Poor Lillia' will express sympathy towards Lillia. Rick and
Popuri will realize the stupid argument they had. He asked forgiveness.
This will increase your affection with all 3.

1.-YOU NEED to get married
1.Debes have all the extensions of the house including the kitchen and the big bed. For this you ask Gotz to make you extensions, in return will ask G and wood.
2. The red heart. All the girls (except the goddess) have a heart when you talk, these are the relacon you keep with it, you give gifts and other things to the girl you like to increase the ratio. Now the hearts:
Black - Purple - Blue - Green - Yellow - Orange - Red
3. The Blue Feather: This feather is the engagement ring of the girl, when her heart is red, you have the extensions of the house, you have the big bed, and 2nd year and she accepts your pen blue, clear that when the heart is orange is the feather for sale.
4. Having seen all four events. Before a girl I accept the blue feather you must have seen the first four events, each of these events belongs to a heart (black, purple, blue and yellow)


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