Touhou 東方魔宝城 ~ Book of Star Mythology - Legacy Mode Lunatic 1cc

Описание к видео Touhou 東方魔宝城 ~ Book of Star Mythology - Legacy Mode Lunatic 1cc

Book of Star Mythology is the latest Touhou fangame to come out from the guys that did Riverbed Soul Saver and Mystical Power Plant.
It follows the Touhou 15 example of giving you a Pointdevice mode and a normal Legacy Mode.
Except in this Pointdevice mode when you die you just continue where you died instead of getting send back to a checkpoint so uhhh......

The game system revolves chapters like in Touhou 15. After every chapter the game calculates the amount of wish items you collected, the percentage of enemies killed along with the number of deaths.
If you pass a certain requirement with these stats you get awarded a bomb piece.

The game absolutely vomits resources at you, even more than the past games I believe, making the game really trivial to just clear.
You get way and way too many bombs in this. You can pretty much bomb everything that is even slightly dangerous and still have bombs to spare.

Scoring systems unique to this game are wish items and the magnitude system.
Wish items are the star items and these get dropped by enemies if you kill them and they also bleed stars if you pointblank them. It works the same on bosses.
Magnitude is a score multiplier with 6 levels to it. It goes 6 = x1.00, 5 = x1.60, 4 = x2:20, 3 = x2.80, 2 = x3.40, 1 = x4.00.
Every subsequent magnitude raise adds 0.05 to the multiplier. You raise magnitude by filling the bar with wish items and capturing spellcards. Filling the magnitude bar also gives you a life piece.
Dying tanks your multiplier completely and cuts it in like half.
At around 4 magnitude is when bosses start using a last word kinda final spell. Failing it doesn't make you lose anything.

I have no idea what they did with the stage 6 stage background but it's like impossible to record with Dxtory and Fraps. Not even OBS likes it.
I've recorded that stage portion with background set to simple for that part alone and tried to edit around it.

It's Danmakufu so set locale to JP to run it.


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