Lab Rats // Rooftop

Описание к видео Lab Rats // Rooftop

Hi guys! So I know I haven't been on in awhile, but life was just crazy with school and all! But how about that show finale, huh? I'm so excited for the Lab Rats: Elite Force to start! I can't wait! So anyway, originally I'd planned to stick with the old fandom and keep making videos, but now that the show is actually over I feel like it's time to move on to something new. Before I do that, however, I have a bunch of video projects that are almost finished that I never got around to posting, so next week is going to be a crazy time of posting for me as I get all my videos up! Then I'm going to delete my archive of Lab Rats footage and move on. I've loved being part of this fandom and making videos, and I've loved meeting and talking with you all! I'll still be around and joining in on stuff, and I hope to see you all soon when the new spin-off show's fandom takes off! Let's make this new show awesome! :)

I own nothing.


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