Saturday Funkin' Smg4's Aberration; The Movie || 2500/2600 subscribes special ||

Описание к видео Saturday Funkin' Smg4's Aberration; The Movie || 2500/2600 subscribes special ||

FR; Enfin, après UNE journée entière d'exportation depuis Capcut, et une journée de travail pour crée la full week de Saturday Funkin' Smg4's Aberration, auquel j'ai été inspiré par ‪@LoganGamez‬ , qui je vous conseil de voir sa version du MMV2 Smg4 Mix ( pour ceux ou celles qui n'ont pas vu ses vidéos :) ), à la base je voulais le sortir hier, mais l'exportation fut un enfer, car ça s'exprotait 5% par heure!!, mais bon sur ce, enjoy :)

ENG: Finally, after ONE whole day of exporting from Capcut, and a day of work to create the full week of Saturday Funkin' Smg4's Aberration, to which I was inspired by @LoganGamez, who I advise you to see his version of MMV2 Smg4 Mix (for those who haven't seen his videos :)), I originally wanted to release it yesterday, but the export was hell, because it was exporting 5% per hour!!, but hey on this, enjoy :)

== Chapters ==

0:00 - Context and backstory of Smg4.MEM

= Smg4.MEM Castle =

1:40 - Enjoy-The-Video [ It's-A-Me V2 but Smg4.MEM and Smg3 sing it ]
5:17 - Mememaker Extermination [ Starman Slaughter but Smg4.MEM and Smg3 sing it ]

== Stupidity Island ==

9:30 - Presentation
10:00 - Hobo Bros [ So Cool but Luke and Smg3 sing it ]
12:55 - Bootleg Bloodshed [ Nourishing Blood but Grand Dad and Mario sing it ]
15:42 - Super Funny Memes And Videos 7 [ MSARG9 but Smg7 and Meggy sing it ]

== Memories of Insanity ==

19:10 - Presentation
19:40 - Loneliness [ Alone V2 but Smg3 and Tari sing it ]
24:20 - Birthday Blasphemy [ Shucks V2 but Enzo and Mario sing it ]
29:49 - Claustrophobia [ Thalassophobia but Meggy and Tari sing it ]
33:31 - Trust No One V2 [ Oh God No ( Negro Jose Remix ) but Smg4, 3 and Mario sing it ]
36:11 - Cutscene 1
36:25 - We Trusted You V2 [ I Hate You V2 ( Xdcallmecoopze Remix ) but Smg4, 3 and Mario sing it ]
39:05 - Imgoingtoflyforyou [ Apparition V2 but it's a Ssenmodnar 10 Cover ]
41:23 - Poke-Hallusination [ Last Course but Crazy Mario and Leggy sing it ]
44:22 - Purple WAHrld [ Dark Forest but Waluigi and Tari sing it ]

== Coldest Galaxies ==

46:42 - Presentation
47:12 - Memes Journey [ Bad Day but Maeio and Kevin sing it ]
50:33 - Mario's Road Trip [ Day Out but Mario, Smg4 and Toad sing it ]
53:39 - Melony join the battle ( Cringe animation )
54:09 - Lazyness Guardian [ Cat Patella but Smg4 and Melony sing it ]
56:40 - Obey [ Dictator but Mafia Mario and Bob sing it ]
59:30 - Replaced Brother [ Rotten Smoothie but Luigi...? and Mario sing it ]
1:03:10 - Anti-Criminal Race [ Racetraitor but Swag and Mario sing it ]
1:05:21 - Hopeless World [ No Hope but Avatar and Melony sing it ]

== Volcano Hellhight ==

1:08:16 - Presentation
1:08:42 - Western World [ Golden Land but Meggy and Tari ]
1:11:06 - UnseparedFriend [ Twiddlefinger but Smg4 and 3 sing it ]
1:14:51 - Desillusion [ Paranoia but Mr.Puzzle and Mario sing it ]
1:19:45 - Cutscene 2
1:19:59 - Absolute Zero [ Overdue (Retake) but Ax0l and Melony sing it ]
1:24:27 - DMCA Incident [ No Party but Funky Kong and Smg4 sing it ]
1:27:00 - Overmemes [ Powerdown V2 but Smg4...?, Meggy and Mario sing it ]
1:30:28 - Expired [ Demise but SmgX and Meggy sing it ]

== Puzzle-World ==

1:34:31 - Presentation
1:34:58 - Cutscene 3
1:36:09 - Programmation [ Promotion but Mr.Puzzle and Smg4 sing it ]
1:39:25 - Cutscene 4
1:39:44 - Forgotted [ Abandoned but One Shot Ren and Meggy sing it ]
1:43:47 - Perfection [ The End V2 but Smg4...? and Mario sing it ]
1:46:44 - Smg4 Do What Nintendon't [ Unbeatable but it's Nintendo Cast vs Smg4 Cast ]

1:57:21 - It's time... ( Cutscene 5 )
1:59:24 - War Of The Last Guardians [ All-Stars but it's a Smg4 Cover ]
2:08:07 - Cutscene 6
2:09:28 - Miracle Shining Stars [ Secret Exit but it's a Smg4 Cover ]

== Mods/Songs ==
All the songs made in; FL Studio 21
All videos edit in; Capcut

FNF Mario's Madness V2 made by ‪@MarcoAntonioOffic‬ , ‪@Kenny_L‬ , ‪@thewahbox‬ , ‪@FriedFrick‬ , ‪@scrumbo_2096‬ , ‪@Sandi334_‬ and ‪@RedTv53‬
The Smg4 Universe made by ‪@SMG4‬

== Inspiration/Dedicace ==

‪@LoganGamez‬ ; Inspiration for create my version of MMV2 Smg4 Mix
‪@Comical42069‬ ; For the Smg4 IHY AU
‪@ethanwendling8111‬ ; For his ( late ) birthday :)
‪@sef1theoneandonly‬ ; For the theory of the true Avatar
‪@SMG001Nick‬ ; Inspiration for making "Despairus Dietis" (the cover is not here, but I wanted to mention it :)
‪@raulgoatpez‬ ; For making Secret Exit :)
‪@MarcoAntonioOffic‬ ; Creator of Mario's Madness :)


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