Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: Random Sky Marker Exploration (Via Hydra)

Описание к видео Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: Random Sky Marker Exploration (Via Hydra)

A video showcasing some of the Sky Markers you can enter throughout the game. To enter without mods, you can use the legendary Hydra technique.

The Hydra method of entering interiors is a bit trickier than conventional methods. It requires the "Cars Float Away When Hit" cheat code, and a Hydra. I suggest not having a pilot's license as well, so you don't get a parachute after entering.

The idea is to bump the Hydra and hop in. It should start rising. Keep an eye on the altitude meter at the bottom left of the screen. Once that reaches the top and stays, then you are officially above the height limit. This only works with the cars float away cheat as long as CJ is in the Hydra when it passes the limit.

When you want to exit the Hydra, you want to exit where CJ will actually land on the Hydra. You can achieve this by rolling to the right and mashing the exit button multiple times. If timed correctly, CJ will be standing on the Hydra. This isn't too hard to pull off.

The tricky part is having it where the Hydra will give you a position to enter the marker. If the marker is above one of the wings, you can forget it. You'll just fall the through. With Ryder's Place, it's a bit trickier to end up in a good position because Ryder's interior marker is actually above his house. So on your ascent, you'll actually have to adjust so you can get into a better position. As you can see in the video, I had a few other attempts before finally getting lucky. Another factor that can affect your position is weather. If it's rainy/stormy, it will knock you out of wack.

The reason you don't want a parachute is that if you enter the marker and CJ walks off the Hydra before the interior loads, CJ will die as soon as he spawns in. Also be careful of an exploding Hydra after loading in. That can kill you quickly, but luckily this didn't happen in this video.

I show off four interiors in this video: Los Santos International Airport, 8-Track Stadium, and the two Motel Rooms.

0:00 - You can enter Los Santos International Airport via Hydra, but unfortunately there's nothing solid to spawn on so you just fall back down to invisible San Andreas. I believe the only actual solid points in the interior are the carts that surround CJ when spawning in. The ceiling is solid though, and you can view it if you enter via the Francis International Airport marker (or parachuting in from leaving Didier Sachs). Here's a video:    • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS4): ...  

2:00 - 8-Track Stadium. Originally discovered by @blaykay-4797 . The 8-Track Stadium is easily accessible by playing the race at the stadium in Los Santos. Entering via sky marker, you can see the interior name flash at the bottom right corner which you don't normally see. You don't need to be perfect entering the marker - as seen in the video, I didn't even touch it. Note that there's no sound in this portion to avoid copyright claims. This was the second marker BlayKay - 47 found; he also found the marker for the Dirt Stadium from Las Venturas. Hopefully he'll find another. Here's a link to his 8-Track video -    • GTA : SA - 8 - Track Yellow marker fo...  

6:58 - Motel Room #1 - I have showcased an alternate was of entering the Motel Rooms in the past, but they can also be entered this way. This is the Motel Room from Heaven R - "Cluckin' Bell Heaven". You'll notice there's no door - the actual physical door spawns in a different Heaven! The marker right outside the missing door is Motel Room #2.

8:32 - Motel Room #2 - It's actually kind of tricky to enter this Motel Room via Hydra - much easier to enter via other ways such as Boat School glitch. It's marker location is high above the edge of a building in East Los Santos. So when you knock the Hydra with your car and get in, you actually have to spin it so it doesn't hit the building. You also have to spawn it as close to the building as you can without getting it stuck in the building. Taking out the street light and street lamp helps too. This Motel Room spawns in Heaven F, aka "Burgershot Heaven". Looks very identical to the other Motel Room (both look like they were just yanked from Jefferson Motel). Both have working wardrobes. And you'll notice the door for the other Motel Room actually spawns in this heaven! Here's a video showcasing an alternate way of entering these markers:    • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS4): ...  

12:34 - Just for fun, I save at Madd Dogg's mansion via the save icon in the sky. No real use for this other than a chuckle. When you load the save, you'll spawn falling from the sky.


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