M/S BATORY w Filmie - "Zona Dla Australijczyka", 1965

Описание к видео M/S BATORY w Filmie - "Zona Dla Australijczyka", 1965

DODATKOWE INFORMACJE O M/S BATORY: http://StefanBatoryOceanLiner.weebly.com
Fragment filmu "Zona Dla Australijczyja" z 1965 roku - zabawna komedia muzyczna z udzialem miedzy innymi Elzbiety Czyzewskiej, Wieslawa Golasa i zespolu piesni i tanca "Mazowsze". Kilka koncowych scen tego filmu zostalo nakreconych na pokladzie M/S BATORY. Kapitanem statku byl w tym czasie Tadeusz Meissner.


A couple of scenes from the Polish music-comedy "The Wife for an Australian", 1965 by director Stanislaw Bareja.The movie starring very funny & charming couple of actors, Elzbieta Czyzewska and Wieslaw Golas as well as the famous Polish Song & Dance Ensemble, “Mazowsze”. (…) Robert, a Polish-Australian farmer came from Australia to Poland, to find a wife. He met a girl from "Mazowsze" named Hanka and fall in love with her. However, Hanka doesn’t show any affection towards him. Robert decided to kidnap her. Ultimately, at the end of the movie, they experienced loving & romantic moments onboard M/S BATORY.

Peter Wieslaw Grajda: http://stefanbatoryoceanliner.weebly.com



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