How to play Pandemic

Описание к видео How to play Pandemic

Learn the rules to the board game Pandemic quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

To setup the game, check out this video:    • How to setup Pandemic  

To learn more about character roles, check out this video:    • What are the Pandemic Character Roles  

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Each player’s turn is divided into 3 parts. First: Do up to 4 actions. Second: Draw 2 player cards. Third: Infect cities. After a player has finished infecting cities the player on their left goes. Your matching colored pawn represents your location on the board and is the pawn you are allowed to move on your turn.

During the actions part of your turn you may do and combination of these 8 actions as many times as you like, with each one used only counting as 1 action:

Drive or Ferry: Move your pawn to a city connected to it by a white line. Take special note that the board is connected on the right and left sides by white lines that pawns can travel.

Direct Flight: Discard a card from your hand to move your pawn to the city discarded.

Charter Flight: Discard the city card that matches the city your pawn is in to move to any city.

Shuttle Flight: Move your pawn from any city with a research station in it to any other city that also has a research station in it.

Build a research station: Discard the city card from your hand that matches the city you are in and place a research station there. If all 6 research stations are already on the board, take any research station from anywhere on the board to use.

Treat disease: Remove 1 disease cube from the city you are in and place it in the supply on the side of the board. If the disease has been cured, remove all of the cubes of that color instead. If the last cube from a cured disease is removed from the board, flip the vial to its eradicated side. If there are cubes from several cured diseases in a city, you must still Treat the Disease once for each cured color to remove these cubes. Removing the last cube of a disease that is not cured has no effect.

Share Knowledge: Give the city card in your hand that matches the city you are in to another player or you may take the city card in another player’s hand that matches the city you are in and put it in your hand. However, both players must be in the same city and both must agree to do this. If the player who gets the city card now has more than 7 cards, that player must immediately discard 1 card or play an event card.

Discover a cure: When you are at any research station, discard 5 city cards of the same color from your hand to cure the disease of that color, the color of the city does not need to match the color of the disease you are curing. Move the disease cure marker to the cure indicator. When a disease is cured, its cubes remain on the board and new cubes can still be placed during epidemics or infections. If no cubes of its color are on the board, the disease is now eradicated. Flip the cure marker over to its eradicated side. Eradicating a disease is not needed to win.

After doing actions you draw the top 2 cards together from the player deck. If, as you are about to draw, there are fewer than 2 cards left in the Player Deck, the game ends immediately and everyone loses. Otherwise, keep the cards and continue with your turn. If your draws include any Epidemic cards, immediately do the following steps in order:

Increase: Move the infection rate marker forward 1 space on the Infection Rate Track.

Infect: Draw the bottom card from the Infection Deck. Put 3 disease cubes of that color on the named city, unless its disease color has been eradicated. If the city already has cubes of this color, do not add 3 cubes to it. Instead, add just enough cubes so that it has 3 cubes of this color and then an outbreak of this disease occurs in the city, more on outbreaks later. Discard this card to the Infection Discard Pile.

Whenever you cannot place the number of color cubes needed on the board, because the needed color supply is out, the game immediately ends and everyone loses. The last cube from any disease color supply pile may be placed onto the board without loss, it is only when you cannot place cubes on the board that you lose.

3. Intensify: Shuffle the cards in the Infection Discard Pile and place them on top of the Infection Deck. It is rare, but possible, to draw 2 Epidemic cards at once. In this case, do all three steps above once and then...


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