
Описание к видео 長春最慘的釘子戶,只因多要了20萬賠償,就被開發商無情拋棄

這座房屋為何屹立在停車場的中間呢?\n據介紹,從2010年起,這片區域就都被定為了拆遷戶,選址基本確定為歐亞賣場配套的停車場,按照規劃,停車場面積足足有20萬平方米,由此可見拆遷難度極大。針對這座小磚房,歐亞集團也給出了220萬的現金賠償的賠償方案,房主那邊也沒有提出任何異議。但是由于歐亞集團將拆遷工作進行了外包,由第三方拆遷公司負責拆遷安置的事項。眾所周知,由于在某些地方拆遷工作難度極大,許多時候還要進行強制拆遷,因此拆遷隊伍中吸納了不少地痞流氓,而這些人本就是無業游民,整天不是游手好閑就是吃喝玩樂,導致拆遷工作遲遲不能完成。 Why is this house standing in the middle of the parking lot? \According to reports, since 2010, this area has been designated as a demolished household, and the location has been basically determined as a parking lot supporting the Eurasian shopping mall. According to the plan, the parking lot covers an area of 200000 square meters, indicating the great difficulty of demolition. The Eurasian Group has also provided a cash compensation plan of 2.2 million yuan for this small brick house, and the homeowner has not raised any objections. However, due to the outsourcing of demolition work by Eurasia Group, third-party demolition companies are responsible for the demolition and resettlement matters. As is well known, due to the great difficulty of demolition work in certain areas, and often forced demolition, many local ruffians and hooligans have been recruited into the demolition team. These people are already unemployed and have been idle or eating, drinking, and playing all day, resulting in delayed completion of the demolition work.


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