Infected adenoids in children: Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis - Dr. Satish Babu K

Описание к видео Infected adenoids in children: Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis - Dr. Satish Babu K

Infected adenoids is one of the most common causes in children to cause nasal obscuration and mouth breathing and if the infections keep recurring regularly the babies will form habit of mouth breathing and may be even snoring like an adult in sleep. Infected adenoids can be acutely infected or chronically infected, acct infection will behave like any acute respiratory tract infection like normal cold and throat infection. So the baby will have fever, pain in the throat, increased discharge from the nose that is thick and yellowish in colour and some cough along with it. It just looks like a regular cold but for the fact that the voice is increasingly nasal. The baby speaks as if the nose is completely blocked increasingly and if it is treated it goes away in a couple of days and if it is not treated properly or neglected it becomes a long standing nasal obstruction and choric adenoiditis that is the adenoids will progressively grow and obstruct the passage from the nose to the throat. Then the baby consistently breathes through the mouth and may be in the day time also especially in sleep also snores n the night and the number of infection will also be very high , as long as 2 weeks or 3 weeks, the requirement of medications will be also growing up. As the obstruction increases the baby refuses to eat solid foods, because the breathing has to be form the mouth and the chewing food and the swallowing food also has to happen. So the baby is not able to cope up with both. He or she stops eating solid foods. obviously the growth is reduced. Added to that frequent infections and frequent medications will start showing signs of malnutrition. So this is the time you have to meet the doctor. Get it evaluated and do the appropriate remedy.


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