Charles Brehm - Witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Описание к видео Charles Brehm - Witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Charles F. Brehm and his 5-year-old son, Joe, were standing in the Dealey Plaza north infield grass, a few feet south of the south curb of Elm Street, across the street from Abraham Zapruder and the Dealey Plaza grassy knoll. They can both be clearly seen in the Zapruder film.
Brehm said President Kennedy was approaching him and only 30' away when his son then started to wave to President Kennedy, and the President started to wave back, then Brehm heard the first shot he remembered hearing.
When the President was 15' to 25' away, and had just passed, Brehm remembered hearing a second shot that struck President Kennedy in the head. Brehm watched the President's "hair fly up," "ripple," and "bits of brain and bone went flying" and "then roll over to his side" then President Kennedy "slumped all the way down."
Brehm stated he distinctly remembered hearing another separate shot after the President's head had already exploded that missed hitting anyone, and that was the specific reason that Brehm immediately dragged his young son to the ground and covered him protectively.

Charles Brehm was not called to testify publicly in front of the Warren Commission, but he did supply a deposition.


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