Rowenta Steam Irons Comparison - Steam Force Pro Vs Steam Force Iron

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Rowenta Steam Irons Comparison - Steam Force Pro Vs Steam Force Iron . Now both of These Irons Look Nice and are Good Quality but Even More Importantly They Iron The Clothes Very Well , Glide on Clothes Smoothly and have Good Amount of Steam to Iron Quickly However there is Few MAJOR Differences Between these two Steam Irons .

Rowenta Steam Force Pro ( Brown ) :
Rowenta Steam Force ( Dark Blue ) :

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Now both of these Steam irons come with Pretty Long Power Cord and Both Have Flexible End of The Cord so it Won't Brake that Easily However that's Slightly better on The Rowenta Steam Force Iron. Both Irons Have Good Grip Handle and Easy to Fill water Tank with Nice Water Capacity . The Stainless Steel Soleplates are Very Similar and Even though One is Shiny and The Other One Kind of Mat but Both are Stainless Steel , Both have 400 Micro Steam Holes for Nice Steam Distribution for Great Steam Ironing and Precision Tip for Ironing Hard Creases and Harder Places to iron like Collars ETC. Now Here is The Real Major Difference : The Steam Force Pro Iron Doesn't Have The Typical Temperature Adjustment Dial but Instead There is Mode Selection to Select The fabric Type and Then The iron will Heat up to The set Fabric Type ( and Corresponding Temperature ) . However The Steam Force Iron Does it Little Better because it Has Dial for More Precise Adjustment plus The Digital Fabric Display that Shows what Fabric Type You're Heating up The iron too , that display is Similar on The steam Force Pro too .Other Difference is that On The Rowenta Steam Force Pro Iron You Just Have One Button that Has To be Pressed and Held for Continues Steam However or The Steam Force Rowenta Iron The Steam Amount is Automatic and You Also Have Steam Puff Button Just in Case If You Need Quick Burst of Steam and Additionally There is Spray Button which is very Handy and This Feature Just doesn't Exist on The Steam Force Pro .
Now Ironing Clothes with these two irons is Really Good , They Both do Great Job and Glide on Clothes Very Smoothly . The Amount of Steam Coming from both is Really Nice too which makes for Fast Ironing and Overall Great Experience . Vertical Steaming is Of Course Possible too However these Irons are Pretty Heavy so I Think Doing it for Longer Time Wouldn't Be The Best Solution .
There is Also Great Safety Features on Both Irons too.
I Personally Prefer The Steam Force Iron However My Wife actually Likes The Steam Force Pro Iron Better , So I Think The choice will Come to Your Personal Preference and Features You Like to Have .
All The Best - Video Motivators


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