Описание к видео MATHS#07 ~ CXC CSEC MATHEMATICS MAY/JUNE 2007 Paper 1 ~

CXC CSEC Mathematics ~ 24 May 2007 Paper 1 ~ Q & A Timestamps:
01 ~ sum of squares of negative numbers ~ Q & A 0:12
02 ~ units conversion, centimeters ~ Q & A 0:27
03 ~ express decimal as a fraction ~ Q & A 0:42
04 ~ express mixed fraction as a decimal ~ Q & A 0:57
05 ~ standard form ~ Q & A 1:12
06 ~ percent of a number ~ Q & A 1:27
07 ~ hcf, highest common factor ~ Q & A 1:42
08 ~ fraction cubed ~ Q & A 1:57
09 ~ 3n odd numbers and even numbers ~ Q & A 2:12
10 ~ next term in sequence ~ Q & A 2:27
11 ~ Venn diagram and shaded region ~ Q & A 2:42
12 ~ number of elements in a set ~ Q & A 2:57
13 ~ equivalent sets ~ Q & A 3:12
14 ~ Venn diagram, intersection ~ Q & A 3:27
15 ~ currency conversion ~ Q & A 3:42
16 ~ percentage gain ~ Q & A 3:57
17 ~ discount and total cost ~ Q & A 4:12
18 ~ insurance ~ Q & A 4:27
19 ~ sales tax and total cost ~ Q & A 4:42
20 ~ simple interest and two parties ~ Q & A 4:57
21 ~ mean wage, daily wage ~ Q & A 5:12
22 ~ gas cost calculation ~ Q & A 5:27
23 ~ distribution of a negative number over a monomial ~ Q & A 5:42
24 ~ abstract algebra, a star b ~ Q & A 5:57
25 ~ difference of two terms with two unknowns, distribution/multiplication ~ Q & A 6:12
26 ~ difference of two terms with two unknowns, distribution/multiplication ~ Q & A 6:27
27 ~ sum of fractions with like denominator ~ Q & A 6:42
28 ~ inequality ~ Q & A 6:57
29 ~ mathematical statement and corresponding equation ~ Q & A 7:15
30 ~ mathematical statement and corresponding inequality ~ Q & A 7:30
31 ~ two variables with fixed values plugged into expression ~ Q & A 7:45
32 ~ volume of a cube ~ Q & A 8:00
33 ~ units conversion, millimeter ~ Q & A 8:15
34 ~ triangle and perimeter ~ Q & A 8:30
35 ~ velocity equals distance over time application ~ Q & A 8:45
36 ~ sector of a circle ~ Q & A 9:00
37 ~ milliliters and liters calculation ~ Q & A 9:15
38 ~ area of a rectangle ~ Q & A 9:30
39 ~ velocity equals distance over time evaluation ~ Q & A 9:45
40 ~ range of marks ~ Q & A 10:00
41 ~ frequency distribution ~ Q & A 10:15
42 ~ bar graph query ~ Q & A 10:30
43 ~ class boundaries ~ Q & A 10:45
44 ~ pie chart and drinks ~ Q & A 11:00
45 ~ probability and a die ~ Q & A 11:15
46 ~ arrow diagram ~ Q & A 11:30
47 ~ quadratic function, value at a fixed point ~ Q & A 11:45
48 ~ arrow diagram ~ Q & A 12:00
49 ~ median of a set of numbers ~ Q & A 12:15
50 ~ name that parabola ~ Q & A 12:30
51 ~ relation and sets of ordered pairs ~ Q & A 12:45
52 ~ bearing ~ Q & A 13:00
53 ~ portion of a circle and a construction ~ Q & A 13:15
54 ~ ship path/course ~ Q & A 13:30
55 ~ a triangle and reflection in the x-axis ~ Q & A 13:45
56 ~ triangles to cover a rectangle ~ Q & A 14:00
57 ~ Pythagorean theorem ~ Q & A 14:15
58 ~ triangle and image of a rotation ~ Q & A 14:30
59 ~ line reflected ~ Q & A 14:45
60 ~ trigonometry and angle of depression ~ Q & A 14:55

Updated version here:
MATHS#07 ~ CXC CSEC MATHEMATICS MAY/JUNE 2007 Paper 1 ~ Second Revision


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