KATKO (Explicit Content)

Описание к видео KATKO (Explicit Content)


The Comedy Factory brings to you weekly dose of Gujju Humor. We want to start off our experiment with our riskiest sketch going first. A Normal day in life of The Comedy Factory Comedians. What happens when Manan is over conscious about something... Adding to that is Ojas's pessimistic shades of possibilities... Smit completely loses it. Watch, Share & Subscribe.

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Hollywood Movies In Gujarati Style - http://bit.ly/gujjumovies

Funniest Gujju Comedy Acts - http://bit.ly/gujjutadka

The Not So Explicit Content ;) - http://bit.ly/gujjuadult

Website: http://www.thecomedyfactory.in
Created by: The Comedy Factory
Produced by: Vidya Desai & Manan Desai

Facebook @   / thecomedyfactory  
Twitter @ http://twitter.com/#!/ComedyFactoryIn

Director: Manan Desai
Writers: Manan Desai & Smit Pandya
Editor: Manan Desai
Assistant Directors: Vidya Desai & Ojas Rawal BGM: Manan Desai

Smit Pandya
Manan Desai
Ojas Rawal

Special Appearance: Katko & Milo
Special Thanks: Chirayu Mistry


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