The Lost Fish - The Struggle to Save Pacific Lamprey

Описание к видео The Lost Fish - The Struggle to Save Pacific Lamprey

In the heavily dammed Columbia River Basin, millions have been spent on life support systems for Pacific Salmon. Yet, the little-known Pacific Lamprey has slipped through the cracks of conservation efforts and is now lost from most of its historic range in the Columbia Basin. Desperately, members of the Nez Perce, Umatilla, Yakama and Warm Springs Tribes have taken the management of Pacific lamprey into their own hands and are now fighting to bring political attention and social will to the struggle of a lost fish.

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Produced in Partnership with the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, and in cooperation with the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Music by Mary Hines, Lower Case Noises, Loud Harp, A New Normal, Aural Method, Nickolas Kirk. Directed by Jeremy Monroe & David Herasimtschuk. Sound Design by Matt Kellam.

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