BTB Fermilab Outing.. Catching Pigs on Jigs!!!

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A little BTB outing at Fermilab.... a good amount of bass over 3.75LBS as well. As always it's great to get out with the BTB Crew for some friendly competition. For the first time at a BTB event, I pulled out the win!!!

More YouTube vids from the Bassin The Burbs Crew --- Don't forget to click LIKE and sub
Green Yak Chronicles    / @greenyakchronicles4058  
Flipside Fishing    / @flipsidefishing  
The Noob Fisherman    / @thenoobfisherman2150  
ILLinois Largies    / @illinoislargies1037  
Lorenzo The Fisherman    / @lorenzothefisherman6425  


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