Eurorack granular synthesis module comparison

Описание к видео Eurorack granular synthesis module comparison

I've had Beads for a long time but have never really gelled with it. More recently I've acquired Brinta and Mojave, so it seemed like time to come to grips with granular in general, and these modules in particular.

This is a very basic comparison based on me reading through the manuals and spending time wiggling knobs. Each module gets a first pass using a simple Pianophonic sequence, then some time with a more complex audio source using some acoustic material from my last CD, "The Willow Ladder."

(Available on Bandcamp at, I will note. Nudge nudge.)

I'm really just interested in seeing which one gives me more interesting results with less RTFM'ing. I'm not sufficiently impressed by granular synthesis in general to really grind through any opaque interface designs.

00:00 Intro
00:20 Brinta
13:30 Beads
26:04 Mojave


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