Takedown: Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda

Описание к видео Takedown: Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda

Takedown: Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda

On September 11, 2001, as Central Intelligence Agency analyst Philip Mudd rushed out of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House, he could not anticipate how the terror unleashed that day would change the world of intelligence and his life as a CIA officer. Mudd, now a fellow with the New America Foundation's National Security Studies Program, would later serve as deputy director of the CIA's rapidly expanding Counterterrorist Center and then as senior intelligence adviser at the FBI.

Please join the New America Foundation's National Security Studies for a conversation with Philip Mudd and Peter Bergen about Mudd's new book, Takedown: Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda, which provides a first-person account of his role in two organizations that changed dramatically after 9/11. The book also sheds light on the inner workings of the intelligence community during the global counterterror campaign.

Philip Mudd
Senior Research Fellow, National Security Studies Program, New America Foundation
Author, Takedown: Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda

Peter Bergen
Director, National Security Studies Program, New America Foundation



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