Bivak pod skuto leži na 2045 metrov nadmorske višine v osrčju Kamniških in Savinjskih Alp. Nastal je v mednarodnem sodelovanju OFIS arhitektov, AKT II iz Londona, ŠD Freeapproved, PD Ljubljana Matica in Univerze Harvard ob pomoči domačih in tujih sponzorjev. Sestavljen je iz arhitekturnih materialov, tipičnih za okolje, v katerem se objekt nahaja.
Bivak predstavljajo trije moduli. Vhodni modul je namenjen vstopu, spravilu opreme ter s priročnim pultom pripravi obroka. Srednji omogoča spanje in je s klopmi hkrati tudi prostor za druženje. V zadnjem je pograd namenjen izključno spanju. Z obeh strani se preko panoramskega stekla odpira prelep pogled v dolino Kamniške Bistrice in na severni strani na Skuto in okoliške gore.
Skoraj vsi udeleženci so na projektu sodelovali prostovoljno s spoštovanjem in ljubeznijo do slovenskega visokogorja, katerih želja je, da bo novi bivak planincem dolga leta odlično služil in da bodo skrbni, saj bo le tako bivak ostajal v enaki popolnosti. Dolžnost vseh nas je, da tovrstne objekte spoštujemo in varujemo kot svojo last, saj so predvsem produkt hribovskega entuziazma z namenom, da se planincem, ki se znajdejo v težavah, omogoči varno in čim toplejše zavetje pred nočjo in slabim vremenom.
Z bivakom upravlja AO Ljubljana Matica.
Kratek film v prvem delu predstavlja gradnjo objekta, v drugem delu pa končano stavbo, namenjeno uporabi.
Še nekaj podobnih objektov čaka, da se jih izvrši v prihodnosti. Slovenske gore tudi s tem pridobivajo na svoji prepoznavnosti in njihova lepota bo v svetovnem merilu še bolj prepoznavna.
This Mountain Shelter lies at 2045 meters above sea level in the heart of the Kamnik and Savinja Alps. It is a product of the international cooperation of OFIS Architects, Act II from London, ŠD Freeapproved, PD Ljubljana nut, and Harvard University with the assistance of domestic and foreign sponsors. It consists of architectural materials, typical for the environment in which the facility is located.
It consists of three modules. The input module is designed for entry, harvest equipment, and with a handy counter preparing the meal. Middle enables sleep and benches also space for socializing. In the last, the bunk bed is designed exclusively for sleeping. Through the panoramic windows at both sides, it opens a beautiful view of the valley of the Kamnik and Bistrica on the north side to the curd and the surrounding mountains.
Almost all participants of this project have cooperated voluntarily with respect and love of Slovenian highlands, whose desire is to serve mountaineers for many years. The duty of all of us is that we respect and protect that kind of shelters as our last, because they are mostly the product of mountain enthusiasm with a view to mountaineers, who find themselves in difficulty, enabling safe and as warm shelter from the night and bad weather.
The shelter is managed by AO Ljubljana Matica.
In the first part, this short film represents the construction of the building, while the second part is completed the building for use.
A few similar facilities are waiting to be executed in the future. Slovenian mountains is gaining their visibility and their beauty to be more recognizable in the world.
Good luck.
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