스페인 바르셀로나의 화가 라몬 카사스 _명화감상 그림감상 화가 | Painting | TV Art | Art Screensaver for TV |

Описание к видео 스페인 바르셀로나의 화가 라몬 카사스 _명화감상 그림감상 화가 | Painting | TV Art | Art Screensaver for TV |

#그림 #화가 #명화 #명화감상 #paintings #painter #미디어아트 #디지털갤러리 #digitalgallery #미술관 #전시 #museum #RamonCasas

Ramon Casas i Carbó (Catalan pronunciation: 4 January 1866 – 29 February 1932) was a Catalan artist. Living through a turbulent time in the history of his native Barcelona, he was known as a portraitist, sketching and painting the intellectual, economic, and political elite of Barcelona, Paris, Madrid, and beyond. He was also known for his paintings of crowd scenes ranging from the audience at a bullfight to the assembly for an execution to rioters in the Barcelona streets (El garrot). Also a graphic designer, his posters and postcards helped to define the Catalan art movement known as modernisme.

| Painting | TV Art | Art Screensaver for TV |


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