How to find if you have jaw problem; TMD; TMJ disorder. 3 Movements to Check for Self Assessment

Описание к видео How to find if you have jaw problem; TMD; TMJ disorder. 3 Movements to Check for Self Assessment

Jaw joint moves in 3 dimensions.
Opens 45-53 mm (Ave. 50mm)
Side translation 10 mm
Protrusion 10mm
Retrusion few mm

In front of mirror, lay your eyes on the bottom centre teeth and track the movement as you open and close to see the deviation.
When checking side translation, watch for range and compare the side to side motion range.
When checking for forward motion (protrusion), watch for the deviation to side to side as you protrude your lower jaw (mandible).

If you feel some joint click, crack, pop or clunk and/or pain associated with these movements, you have jaw problem. So please seek an treatment program from your healthcare professional.

Metro Physiotherapy


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