Factors affecting evaporation - Chemistry Class 9

Описание к видео Factors affecting evaporation - Chemistry Class 9

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Our existing contributors are listed at https://commerceaspirant.com/contribu... In this video, we are going to understand what are the factors affecting evaporation.

1. Temperature - We know that liquids turn into gases on reaching boiling point. Thus, higher the temperature higher will be the rate of evaporation. Eg-
Water will evaporate quicker at 80C than it would evaporate at 60C.

2. Surface Area – More the surface area higher would be the rate of evaporation. This is because the particles will have more space to move out. Eg-
After it rains, the bigger puddles on one’s roof will evaporate quicker than smaller water blocks with smaller surface area,

3. Humidity – It is the amount of water or vapour in the air. When humidity is low, evaporation is high and on the other hand when humidity is high evaporation is low.

4. Wind and its speed – Higher wind speed results in higher rate of evaporation. This is because the particles of water will also move fast and as they move fast, evaporation increases.

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