餐厅常用英语80句 【从零开始学英语】点餐、打包、结账

Описание к видео 餐厅常用英语80句 【从零开始学英语】点餐、打包、结账

餐厅常用英语80句 【从零开始学英语】点餐、打包、结账

Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. 晚上好,欢迎光临我们的餐厅。

How many are in your party? 你们有多少人?

I have a reservation.我有预订。

There are four of us. 我们有四个人。

Great, right this way. 好的,请跟我来。

Here are your menus.这是您的菜单。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Are you ready to order? 您准备好点餐了吗?

Yes, I'll have the steak, please. 是的,我要一份牛排。

How would you like your steak cooked? 您的牛排要几分熟?

Medium rare, please. 请做五分熟。

And for you, ma'am? 女士,您呢?

What do you recommend? 你有什么推荐?

I'd recommend our house salmon。 我推荐我们的招牌三文鱼

I'll have salmon with mashed potatoes. 我要一份三文鱼配土豆泥。

I'll have the same thing.我也要一样的。

Excellent choice. 非常好的选择。

Can I get a side of vegetables as well? 我可以加一份蔬菜吗?

Of course. Anything to drink? 当然。喝点什么?

I'll have a glass of red wine, please. 请给我来一杯红酒。

Would you like it by the glass or the bottle? 您要一杯还是整瓶?

Just a glass for now. 现在只要一杯。

Alright. And for the rest of you? 好的,其他的要点什么?

I'll have the Caesar salad, please. 请给我来一份凯撒沙拉。

I'll go for the pasta with Alfredo sauce. 我要一份阿尔弗雷多意面。

I'm a vegetarian. 我吃素的。

Do you have any meatless options? 有没有无肉选项?

Yes, we have a delicious vegetable stir-fry. 是的,我们有美味的炒蔬菜。

That sounds perfect. 听起来很完美。

I'll have that.我要那个。

Great. I'll get your orders in right away. 太好了,我马上为您点餐。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Is there anything else I can get for you? 还有其他什么可以为您效劳的吗?

Can we have some extra napkins, please? 请给我们多些餐巾纸好吗?

Could I have a glass of water, please? 请给我一杯水好吗?

Sure, I'll bring them right over. 当然,我马上给您拿过来。

Excuse me, I ordered my pasta with no cheese。打扰一下,我点的意面要求不加奶酪。

I apologize for the mistake. 对不起,我为这个错误道歉。

I'll get you a new one. 我会立刻给您重新做一份

Thank you for fixing that. 谢谢您处理这个问题。

Not a problem. 没问题

This steak is cooked perfectly. It's delicious! 这份牛排煮得非常好,真美味!

I'm glad to hear that. 听到您这样说我很高兴。

Our chef takes pride in preparing each dish.我们的厨师为每道菜都感到自豪。

The salad is fresh and the dressing is fantastic. 沙拉很新鲜,调味汁太棒了。

Thank you for the compliment. 感谢您的赞美。

The vegetable stir-fry is so flavorful. 蔬菜炒的很美味。

I'm glad I chose it.我很高兴我点了它。

That dish is one of our favorites too.这道菜也是我们最喜欢的之一。

I'm happy you enjoyed it.很高兴您喜欢它。

The new pasta without cheese is perfect. 重新做的不加奶酪的意面很完美。

Thank you for fixing it promptly.谢谢您及时解决问题。

You're welcome. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. 不客气。顾客满意是我们的首要任务。

Could we have the dessert menu, please? 请给我们看一下甜点菜单,好吗?

Certainly, here are the dessert menus for everyone. 当然,这是每个人的甜点菜单。

I think I'll have the chocolate cake. 我想要一块巧克力蛋糕。

I'll go with the cheesecake. 我要一份芝士蛋糕。

Do you have any vegan dessert options? 你们有纯素甜点选项吗?

Yes, we have a vegan chocolate mousse. 是的,我们有纯素巧克力慕斯。

That sounds perfect. I'll have that. 听起来很完美。我要那个。

Wonderful choice. I'll bring your desserts shortly. 非常好的选择。我马上给您端来甜点。

Thank you for the excellent service. 感谢您出色的服务。

You're very welcome. 你太客气了

Can we have the bill, please? 可以给我们账单吗?

Of course, I'll bring it right away. 当然,我马上给您带过来。

Here's my card to pay. 这是我的支付卡。

Thank you. I'll process the payment for you. 谢谢。我会帮您处理付款。

And I'll pay with cash. 我用现金支付。

No problem. Let me calculate the total for you. 没问题。我来帮您算一下总额。

Can I have a receipt, please? - 能给我一张收费小票吗?


Can I get this to go? 没吃完可以带走吗?

Sure, I'll pack it up for you. 当然,我会帮你打包。

I need a plastic bag. 我需要一个塑料袋

Absolutely, just a moment.没问题,稍等片刻。

Everything looks good. We had a great meal. 一切都很好。我们吃得很愉快。

I'm delighted to hear that. 我很高兴听到这个。

We hope to see you again soon. 希望能尽快再次见到您们。

Thank you for the wonderful dinner. Goodbye! 感谢您美好的晚餐。再见!

You're welcome! Have a great evening! 不用谢! 祝您们晚上愉快!


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