Growing Perilla Leaves from Seeds | 깻잎 재배

Описание к видео Growing Perilla Leaves from Seeds | 깻잎 재배

This is my fourth year of trying to grow perilla leaves! Taking care of plants is hard… They were either overtaken by mold/overwatered, or they shriveled up and died! I started with many seeds this time as well, but only one has survived. What a trooper. (:

I was worried these wouldn’t sprout because I bought the seeds a long time ago (pretty sure I got them off of amazon) and have been keeping them in the fridge, but they were fine!

The first time I tried them in Korea, I didn’t really like them. But I started loving them after eating them with bbq! And now I really love the taste! I hope this can turn into a giant plant with lots of leaves so I can make kimchi and lots of other dishes.


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