CRASSH | Buen vivir: comparative cases of collective wellbeing

Описание к видео CRASSH | Buen vivir: comparative cases of collective wellbeing


Sarah Radcliffe (University of Cambridge)
Treena Orchard (Western University Canada)
Javier Mignone (University of Manitoba)
Mauricio Torres-Solís (Universidad Autónoma de México)

The ‘Buen Vivir’ paradigm, with its variants and different edges, is a prevalent one in Latin American indigenous groups. With its wide scope from individual to collective ideas on what constitutes a healthy relationship with the environment and each other, it provides important critiques and proposals to our path of sustainable development. This panel aims to explore this concept in relation to collective wellbeing. The panellists will provide different perspectives on what constitutes wellbeing under this paradigm, how do we produce knowledge about this issue, and what does this invites us to do in our quest for alternative development.

About the speakers

Dr Sarah Radcliffe, University of Cambridge, Professor of Latin American Geography. She holds a BSc in Geography and Anthropology from the University College London and a PhD on Migration, Rural Households and Andean Development, from the University of Liverpool. Her research engages with social and territorial inequalities in Latin America. Currently, she is working across four main areas: Geographies of indigenous citizenship; intersectional dynamics of power, development, and new forms of knowledge production; decolonial geographies; and equality in diversity: policy, practice and people in Ecuador’s Buen Vivir. This research explores the institutional, conceptual, and socio-political dynamics associated with implementing a rights-based form of citizenship and development. Ongoing research in Ecuador speaks to debates around participatory and inclusive development, while also providing lessons for the Sustainable Development Goals.

Dr Treena Orchard, Western University Canadá, Associate Professor and Undergraduate Chair. She is an anthropologist, author and activist who researches sexuality, gender and the politics of health among marginalized groups and within the context of her own life. She has published over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and is featured in 100 media stories about her research, activism and public scholarship. Treena also been a featured guest on several podcasts, including one hosted by NYT Best-Selling author Dr. Wednesday Martin. Alongside supervising graduate students, teaching and fawning over her cats, she is writing a comedic, compelling memoir about her experiences using dating apps.

Javier Mignone, University of Manitoba, Professor in the Department of Community Health Services, Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, the University of Manitoba. He holds a Masters equivalent degree in Psychology, a Masters in Health Services administration, and a PhD in Community Health Sciences. Dr. Mignone teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, including program evaluation, and social development. On a regular basis he leads workshops on health information and program evaluation for small NGOs, including Indigenous organizations in Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Dominica, and Guatemala. Dr. Mignone conducts research and development projects on intercultural health and health information with indigenous partners in Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina, Dominica and Canada. Dr. Mignone is the author of approximately 70 peer-reviewed publications, aside from numerous reports to government and other organizations. He has held numerous research and development grants from different funding bodies such as, CIHR, CIDA, SSHRC, Inter-American Development Bank, and the Public Health Agency of Canada. His current research is focused on working with Indigenous partners in Latin America on Indigenous intercultural health initiatives.

Dr Mauricio Torres-Solís, . Independent Researcher. He is an Agricultural Engineer from the Central University of Ecuador. He holds a Master’s and Doctorate in Sciences from the College of Postgraduates in Mexico. With over 15 years of professional experience, he has been primarily involved in social innovation processes. He has successfully coordinated, designed, implemented, and evaluated social and productive plans and projects in both public and private institutions. Currently, his focus is on generating knowledge about alternative approaches to development, from the perspective and thinking of indigenous peoples in Latin America.
His current research is about ‘Life in Happiness’ of the Totonaca people in Puebla, México.

#BuenVivir #Wellbeing #ISDG


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