Episode 151 - Four Sales Questioning Softeners

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In this episode of the Master Deal Maker Secrets Podcast, we are going to talk about some ways you can ask questions to your clients in a more elegant and subtle manner.

We are not talking about any kind of question, we are talking about more sensitive questions your client may be reluctant to talk about like, how much their monthly revenue is or what is the current profit in their business.

Today I'm sharing with you some ways to soften those questions so your client doesn't feel like they are in an interrogation room. The whole idea is to help you establish good communication with them so you can ask for the information you need without it having to be an uncomfortable situation.

Listen to this episode to know what these softeners are, they are a really powerful tool to use whenever you need your clients to give you crucial information about their current situation. They are incredibly useful and simple. - tune in at this link to hear what they are.

Whenever you're ready, there are 5 ways I can help you double your current sales revenue and fix your sales process without spending any more on advertising...

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