Social 19 – Bridge hand evaluation, HCP, Losing Trick Count, Cover Cards

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Bridge hand evaluation is where it all starts. Counting High Card Points is a good start, Ace=4, King=3, Queen=2, and Jack=1 (maybe). But wait, don’t forget to count extra distribution points when you have a “nice” 5+ card suit, assuming the suit is promotable with a few (2) good working honors in the suit. And when responder has a good trump fit as well as shortness in a side suit, that’s also work extra points since the responder’s hand provide ruffing opportunities for the opener’s side suit losers.
And until Ron Klinger promoted the notion of Losing Trick Count, that was pretty much the state of the art for hand evaluation for the next 60 years. Fortunately, better players came to realize the advantage of using LTC and began tweaking fine points to both leverage its benefits, simplifying responder’s methodology (Cover Cards) as well as refinements to more accurately bid games and slam.

Additionally, Bridge players came up with other guides to find opportunities to open the bidding including opening an 11 HCP hand with a 5-4-3-1 shape (or other singleton/void distributional hands), opening in the 4th (and possibly 3rd seat) with a “Rule of 15″ hand calculated by adding the number of Spades combined with the player’s HCP, and even the “Rule of 20″ figured by adding the players HCP and the combined length of the two longest suit.
This is the first of a 6 part lesson series where advancing Bridge players learn the ins and outs of hand evaluation.

In this 2 hour video lesson, in Part 1 we will start with the fundamentals of the who, what, when, where and why of hand evaluation by opener and responder. If you are already up to speed in the basics of HCP (High Card Points and distribution/shape) and signoff/invitational bids, feel free to start with Part 2 where we get into the nitty gritty details of LTC and CC. In Part 3 and Part 3b, we will bid and play a wide variety of hand, validating when we should be bidding game… as well as knowing when we should be satisfied in a part score contract.
Please click on the link at the top to view the rest of the show...


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