Linkedin advertising cost 2022. - Cost of Linkedin Ads in 2022

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Curious about the cost of linkedin advertising in 2022?

So we have another question from our linkedin post the other day about the youtube channel. We're answering questions about linkedin ads. This one comes from actually someone on our team. Mr garcia here. How should I determine my ad spend level? And what indicators would look would mhm.

Type of wood look at along the way to let me know I'm going down the right path. So how do you set a budget and how do you know if you have the right budget? So when I think of advertising, I'm pretty much I'm thinking of data. The more you spend, the more data you can collect, the faster you collect data, the more informed decisions and the faster pivots you can make.

And a lot of this is also you know, building retargeting audiences. And it takes ad spend so at $500 a month, $1000 a month. You're collecting data rather slowly. You're getting into retargeting further down the road, which means you're getting into actual results and meaningful data a little slower.

So how do you set ad spend? I would say you need to look at your overarching strategy of marketing, not just linkedin, but what's your over you know, overall marketing budget and you should dedicate a decent chunk to linkedin. I would say for most businesses, google search is going to have a large portion but google search is not scalable.

There's only so many people out there currently searching for exactly what you do. So you should tap into that. You should you use google search but then linkedin is probably the best cold channel to get on the radar of people who have never heard of you who aren't searching for you. Expose them to your brand and sweep them into retargeting strategy.

So I would say depending on your overall budget that's the big variable, let's say your overall budget is 20 grand. I would say 7 $8000 of google ads I would say about the same for linkedin. And then I would reserve some budget for retargeting on facebook and programmatic and display in the 8000 that you have on linkedin I would say 6k to cold in 2k to retargeting.

And the other thing to keep in mind with linkedin is it also depends on your overall marketing spend and your your other channels that you are actually using and how much traffic your website is because you can use linkedin ads, not just to drive traffic to a website and then re target that traffic that linkedin specifically drove there.

But if you have a healthy google search account or really strong high intent organic traffic or if you have traffic to your website you can use linkedin to a target. So how much budget your linkedin retargeting layers should have, depends on how much quality traffic is going to your website that you want to target. And the nice thing about linkedin is that you know, you can put filters on top of the retargeting.

So you can say they've visited my website within 90 or 180 days but they also work for, you know, they're a company in these industries or this company size and it's a decision maker of this seniority level. So I would say those are the big variations is how much traffic do you currently have going to your website?

Do you have other, you know, quality traffic sources and what's your overall budget? And I would say linkedin deserves a decent chunk of your budget if you're tapped out on google search, capturing the high intent that's already looking for you and you're looking to drive a new cold source.

Or if you're looking to harness and retarget the quality traffic your website has, then you need a decent little chunk for for linkedin.


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