Alan McBride - Shankill Bomb (GOTF Documentary)

Описание к видео Alan McBride - Shankill Bomb (GOTF Documentary)

28 years ago on the 23rd October 1993, an IRA bomb went off in a well loved fish shop in the loyalist Shankill Road. The bomb killed 9 innocent civilians, and also one of the two bombers. People were queuing for their fish and the owner of the shop and his daughter were behind the counter serving people. The bomb left many bereaved and a whole area indelibly marked by the carnage.

Alan McBride is a man of courage who is deeply committed to a transformed society where we can deal with the painful legacy of the past and become a society of reconciliation. In this clip from our documentary, Alan talks about the bomb which killed his wife and he speaks about the challenging journey of acknowledging the humanity of the 19 year old men who grew up close to him and who carried a bomb that day into a busy fish shop. To watch the full documentary go to


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