Metal Slug 6 Mission 4 (Level 8, Eri, Rootmars Path)

Описание к видео Metal Slug 6 Mission 4 (Level 8, Eri, Rootmars Path)

Difficulty: Level 8. No cheats used.

AFCJAWNVE. This is the worst SNK(P) designed stage IMO, barring 7 and XX because I've played neither extensively at the time of typing this. There's the infamous "swarm section", or whatever it's called. I think you'll know which section I mean if you watch the video. Where enemies spawn already attacking with no warning, leading to cheap deaths. Where purple remains of killed enemies camouflage purple projectiles fired by their allies. Where you'd have to stick around for half a minute picking off aerial enemies that fly around and take forever to spawn new ones to meet your kill quota before you're allowed to move on. In a section so wild, it's hard to imagine they had tested this section to be fair to the player.

And, well, it'd have been fine and dandy if you took the Slug Flyer path. But NO, because I have to be different from my Tarma run, I took the Rootmars path. Where... you know. your envelope of movement is not clearly defined, and you get no warning when you reach the boundary of said Envelope, leading to some cheap deaths. Where the screen is SO HUEG that despite the amazingness of your Vulcan, it's next to impossible to properly aim. Not to mention, there are some attacks I just don't know how to avoid without using the Brain Wave. It's just a horrible path that I wouldn't recommend unless you were on a score run. And even then, I'd advise you to stick with the Slug Flyer to be safe. The boss is a real heart thumper on foot. At least, for me. Heck, I don't even want to imagine "properly" dealing with it's second phase as anyone but Eri on foot.


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