don't judge your fate - a zen short story

Описание к видео don't judge your fate - a zen short story

A zen short story about a farmer who doesn't judge his fate. Bad luck isn't final. Good luck isn't final. Sad things that happened to you can turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.


Once upon a time, there lived a farmer with his son in a small village. He wasn’t rich, but he had a horse that helped him plow his fields. His neighbors said, “what a wonderful and helpful horse, he is so lucky.” But the farmer only replied, “maybe.”

Later, while he was enjoying the sunset after a long day, his horse broke out of the stable. He hadn't locked the gate properly. Soon, half of the village stood in front of his fence and felt pity for him. “The poor man, his only horse is gone now, what a great misfortune for him.” But the farmer only mumbled softly, “maybe.” From now on he had to work without the help of his horse.

A few days later, he was woken up by his son in the early morning. He pointed out the window and told him the good news: his horse had returned home! But not just his one horse, his horse returned together with two wild horses. They had followed his horse from the mountains. His neighbors looked enviously at him and said, "Now he has three horses. What a lucky guy." But the farmer's answer was once again, "maybe."

Enthusiastic about the horses, the farmer's son wanted to learn to ride. But, on the first try the horse threw him off his back to the ground and the young man broke his leg! Worried neighbors came to the farmer and said, "What terrible luck! Who knows if he will ever be able to walk properly again?” The farmer took care of his son but only replied, “maybe."

When night fell, riders could be heard coming into the village. They were soldiers, looking for young men to send to war. All sons had to follow the military officers, except the farmer's son - he was unsuitable for the military because of his broken leg. The whole village came to the farmer and congratulated him on the fact that his son was spared the war: "you are so lucky. We don't know if we'll ever see our sons again." they told him. The farmer, however, leaned against the fence and replied: "maybe."

Keywords: Buddhist Short Story, motivational story, zen story, sleep story, inspirational story, buddhastory


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