Описание к видео SILHOUETTE INSTALIFT | Non-Surgical FaceLift


After treatment, a slight edema or bruising may occur. Sometimes, a slight depression or skin
irregularity may appear at the insertion points. These typically disappear a few days after

Post Procedure Recommendations:
• Apply cold packs immediately after procedure if required (should be wrapped to avoid
direct contact with skin and insertion points).
• Acetaminophen may be taken in case of pain (2-3 days).
• Refrain from applying make-up for as long as possible. Make-up may be gently applied after
a minimum of 24 hours.
• Sleep face-up, elevated on pillows for 3-5 nights.
• Do not rub face aggressively when washing, shaving, and drying face for 5 days; be gentle.
• Avoid excessive neck and facial movements for 2 weeks.
• Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and UV light for 2 weeks.
• Do not use saunas for 3 weeks.
• Avoid dental surgery for 3 weeks.
• Avoid facial or face-down massages and facial aesthetic treatments for 4 weeks.

• Avoid participating in high impact sports (example: running) for 2 weeks


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