Resep Lengkap Nasi Bancakan ada cerita apa dibalik pembuatannya?

Описание к видео Resep Lengkap Nasi Bancakan ada cerita apa dibalik pembuatannya?


bothok: (ancient steamed javanese salad)
100 gr petai lamtoro (4 oz of river tamarind seeds)
200gr pare (8 oz of bitter melon)
5 bt daun bawang (5 stalks of scallion)
5 SDM udang rebon (5 tbsp of dried Acetes shrimp)
100 gr tempe (4 oz of tempeh)
100 gr cabai (4 oz of chili)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
5 siung bawang merah (5 bulbs of shallot)
1/2 btr kelapa parut (half of coconut, shredded)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
1 sdt msg (1 tsp of MSG)
1 sdt gula (1 tsp of sugar)
3 lbr daun salam (3 Indonesian bayleaves)
3 ibu jari lengkuas (1-2 oz of galangal)

sambel urap: (coconut chili paste)
1/2 btr kelapa (half a coconut)
100 gr cabai (4 oz of chili)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
5 siung bawang merah (5 bulbs of shallot)
9 lbr daun jeruk (9 keffir lime leaves)
1 ibu jari kencur (1/2 oz of aromatic ginger)
1 sdt trasi (1 tsp of shrimp paste)
2 ibu jari gula merah (1 oz of palm sugar)
2 sdt kaldu bubuk (2 tsp of stock powder)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1 sdt msg (1 tsp of MSG)

trik telur rebus: (boiled eggs)
11 btr telur (11 eggs)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1 bh jeruk nipis (a lime)

ikan asin goreng: (fried salted fish)
200 gr ikan asin (8 oz of salted fish)
100 gr tepung terigu (4 oz of flour)

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