Clearing Shame & Guilt | Light Language Transmission

Описание к видео Clearing Shame & Guilt | Light Language Transmission

Sharing a light language transmission to release shame and guilt around receiving what we need to feel alive, supported, and loved. We all hold a certain level of shame and guilt around receiving what we need. Societal programming, judgements and opinions from others create blockages in our systems to fully receive what we need. When we don’t allow ourselves to fully receive, we can’t give. It is all an exchange of energy. All is energy. Energy is currency. Asking and receiving what we need is not selfish, it is SELFLESS. For you are no ordinary being. Your presence and energy is service to humanity. When you allow yourself to fully receive, you can fully give. When you do so, the whole world benefits. I hope this helps! Sending much love!

PS. Puffy eyes from the crying and releasing the night before :P

I’m allowing, allowing myself to be free.
I’m allowing, allowing myself to receive.
I’m releasing, releasing the shame and guilt.
I’m allowing, allowing myself to release.
I’m allowing, allowing myself to feel.
I’m allowing, allowing myself to receive with all my heart.

What is Light Language?
Light Language is the divine expression of energy moving through. It is the new age technology. It is not meant to be understood by the mind. Rather, it is meant to be felt and experienced by the heart and soul. They are sacred geometries and symbols encoded within the sound vibrations and visuals that travel through time and space and into your field, activating, healing, and awakening you on a deep soul level.

Starseed Activation Session
Activation circles

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△Welcome Here△
Hi, my name is Jamie. As an intuitive channel and Pleiadian starseed, my mission is to activate and awaken fellow starseeds (like you) to their gifts and Galactic mission for the collective ascension of humanity into the New World. I work primarily with the Pleiadian High Council, harnessing the power of Light Language and the Akashic Records to transmit light codes and frequencies to activate, adjust, realign, and recalibrate our light bodies. May we all remember who we truly are. May I invite you to open your heart and receive the blessings of the transmissions on this channel.

△With Love and Light Podcast△

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  / the.whitewalls  

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