glassmorphism sliding sidebar menu using html css

Описание к видео glassmorphism sliding sidebar menu using html css

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certainly! in this tutorial, we will create a sliding sidebar menu using the glassmorphism design trend with html and css. glassmorphism is characterized by a frosted-glass effect, which gives the ui a modern and elegant look.

step 1: setup the project structure

create a new directory for your project and inside it, create two files: `index.html` and `styles.css`.

step 2: html structure

in your `index.html` file, we will set up the basic structure of the webpage, including the sidebar menu and a button to toggle the menu.

!doctype html
html lang="en"
meta charset="utf-8"
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
titleglassmorphism sliding sidebar/title
link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"
div class="container"
button class="toggle-btn" onclick="togglesidebar()"☰/button
div class="sidebar"
lia href=""home/a/li
lia href=""about/a/li
lia href=""services/a/li
lia href=""contact/a/li
button class="close-btn" onclick="togglesidebar()"×/button
div class="content"
h1welcome to my website/h1
pthis is a simple example of a glassmorphism sliding sidebar menu./p

function togglesidebar() {
const sidebar = document.queryselector('.sidebar');

step 3: css styling

now we will style the sidebar and the rest of the page in `styles.css`. we'll implement the glassmorphism effect using background blur and semi-transparency.

body {
margin: 0;
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
background: url(' no-repeat center center fixed;

#Glassmorphism #SlidingSidebar #windows
sliding sidebar menu
translucent effect
frosted glass
user interface
responsive design
modern UI
overlay effects
navigation menu
stylish sidebar
background blur
interactive design
web components


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