How To Draw Your Stories | Illustration - Comics

Описание к видео How To Draw Your Stories | Illustration - Comics

Line and Color Quick Start Guide:

In this drawing lesson I go over some techniques and strategies for thumbnailing out scenes.

I think thumbnailing is one of the best things you can do to build that creative muscle for story.

It's important to start building the muscle for turning your ideas into actual images. This can be challenging because it takes ages to complete a finished illustration... and the skills required to do it well take a long time to develop.

But thumbnailing is not just about the finished result it's about the thinking process. You start to learn how your idea looks when you sketch it out... and this helps you to refine your ideas to suit your medium... in this case the two dimensional page.

The more you get used to thumbnailing out your ideas straight away the easier it is to check how good they are... to start thinking of new ones. To brainstorm. To get into creative flow.

This has been really helpful to me over the years. It's one of the main tools I use to plan my images and also to get my stories down onto the page quickly.

Remember these don't need to be great drawings. They are there for you to think through your imagination.

Happy Drawing!

Tim Mcburnie

Learn Drawing and Illustration from me:



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