Pat and Wendelin Episode Six

Описание к видео Pat and Wendelin Episode Six

This is the sixth in a series of natural horsemanship videos with master horseman Pat Parelli and Wendelin, a feral mare found running with a feral herd in south Dallas, Texas. The Parelli Foundation gave a grant to the SPCA of Texas to bring Pat in to develop a partnership with Wendelin.

The Pat Parelli Seven Keys to Success:

1. Attitude– is the key to everything in life… having a positive attitude and staying calm and collected will lead you to success in whatever you decide to do.

2. Knowledge– once you have the right attitude you can get the knowledge you need to lead you toward success.

3. Tools– once you are knee deep into learning your new skill the right knowledge will lead you to the proper tools to use and also the right techniques.

4. Techniques– proper techniques come with the knowledge and tools and making the right decisions about how to properly go about your new skills.

5. Time– with the right attitude and knowledge, tools and techniques you will spend the time it takes to go forward into success.

6. Imagination– adapting is the key to becoming successful. Thinking out side the box and using your imagination to go forward and being creative is an essential key to anything you may want to do.

7. Support– surround yourself with a community of like minded people and jump right in with both feet. Find instructors, mentors, and other supporters to help you along your new journey.


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